Diagnosing and treating sepsis.
When seconds matter.
Diagnosing and treating sepsis.
When seconds matter.
PATH EX is developing an extracorporeal blood cleansing device designed to selectively remove pathogens, including multi-drug resistant bacteria, and endotoxins from circulating blood.
This device is investigational and is limited by federal law to investigational use.
PATH EX is developing a device designed to selectively capture and isolate pathogens from whole blood, allowing for microbial identification using direct-from-patient-samples without the need for culturing.
This device is investigational and is limited by federal law to investigational use.
The PATH EX device significantly reduces pathogen and endotoxin levels. The device represents a novel, promising strategy for immediate treatment in bacteremia and sepsis.
Studies with the PATH EX device have demonstrated a reduction in the concentration of bacteria in the bloodstream by over 95 percent in just a single pass. Immediate reduction and clearance of bacteria from the blood have profound clinical implications, particularly in critical care and infectious disease management.
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The PATH EX device is an investigational device and is not available for sale in any country. Limited by federal law to investigational use.